
Working towards Irish Unity

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We are eager to engage with supporters and opponents of a border poll and promote debate with those who are undecided. If you would like to write for us, notify us about an event or like more information please email [email protected]

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So, what does 2024 look like?

Political prediction-peddling is a mug’s game. But let me nevertheless lurch forwards into the realm of pointless speculation, poring over the coffee grinds in my

An Irish lesson for Gaza?

Ray Bassett is a former Irish diplomat. He was intimately involved in preparing the groundwork for negotiations that led to the Good Friday Agreement. Never

Stormont: Ireland’s longest-running pantomime

We are delighted to have Roy Greenslade contribute to . Roy is one of the finest journalists, writers and media commentators of his generation. Below

The Bloody Stained Poppy

Ireland and the poppy

Many good friends and associates in Britain have asked why the red poppy which commemorates British military war dead generates hostility and opposition from some

Why I am marching for Gaza in London today

This afternoon I am marching in London to offer solidarity to Palestinians being murdered in their thousands by Israeli bombs supplied by their western allies.

Why does Ireland support Palestine?

People in Britain ask why the Irish are such vocal supporters of the Palestinians. In this Long Read Brian Críostoir explains the bonds of solidarity

Baker is wrong – Eastwood is right

One of the curious aspects of the Border Poll debate is how often apparently democratic commentators think it uncontroversial to propose a unionist veto in