
Working towards Irish Unity

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Peadar Tóibín: ‘Irish unity is a great honour for this generation, because so many generations past never got the opportunity’

This edition of the podcast is a belter. I’ve been fascinated by Peadar Tóibín for some time. He famously quit Sinn Fein back in 2018 after coming to a ‘strong difference of opinion’ with the party leadership over abortion before founding Aontú, with an offer focused on ‘life, unity and economic justice.’ The emergence […]

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Border Poll Conversation with Peadar Tóibín

Welcome to’s second ‘Border Poll Conversations’ video podcast, a new regular feature. We chat to people with interesting things to say about constitutional change, border polls, the future of the Union and a United Ireland. Following the two recent referendum results in the 26 Counties, opinion polls show a rise in support for Aontú. […]

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Varadkar’s twists and turns on Irish unity

Nothing has endeared Leo Varadkar to United Irelanders like his leaving office. In a positive way, I hasten to add. In a valedictory interview with RTE, the outgoing Taoiseach was emphatic when asked about the potential costs of a united Ireland, replying that it ‘should never be about money.’ He added: ‘If you believe in the unification of your country, three or 4% of GDP is […]

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Irish unity will cost £20 billion? No, it really won’t

Let me cut to the chase: the report into the financial consequences of Irish unity from Professors John Fitzgerald and Edgar Morgenroth for the Institute of International and European Affairs  in Dublin, published yesterday, is a farrago of nonsense.  Nevertheless, it has dominated a slow news week, with the good professors offering a series of contentious assumptions about the costs of Irish unification, speculatingthat it […]

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Young Fine Gael members pushing for Irish Unity

United Irelanders may have noticed over the past few months that Young Fine Gael (YFG) have been active in pushing the Unity question on a number of fronts. From publishing their  All Island Transportation document and pushing for a Citizens Assembly they have made quite an impact. John Healy and Jude O`Kane have been at the […]

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Irish in Canada: A St Patrick’s Day message from the diaspora

Gabriel McCaffrey (@gabefin) is an Irish immigrant in Canada and a board member Friends of Sinn Féin Canada. Gabriel left Ireland in the 1980s during the significant exodus triggered by the economic and political instability that was caused by the policy failures and corruption of the governments of Haughey and Fitzgerald.  He settled in Canada, […]

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The meaning of Irishness: a letter from the diaspora

Gabriel McCaffrey (@gabefin) is an Irish immigrant in Canada. He wrote a dispatch for us in the run up to St. Patrick’s day 2024. As we approach St. Patrick’s Day, and living in Canada, I wanted to share some thoughts on the Diaspora community here and how it experience’s the reality of life as Irish […]

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Border Poll Conversation with John Alderdice: Is The Trajectory Irish Unity?

Welcome to’s first ever ‘Border Poll Conversations’ video podcast, a new regular feature. We chat to interesting people with interesting things to say about constitutional change, border polls, the future of the Union and a United Ireland. For our first Border Poll Conversation we talk to John Alderdice, former leader of the Alliance Party […]


Irish Unity: Change is Coming

“I believe that the constitutional conversation in Ireland is like a Kettle on a gas hob – it’s just beginning to bubble – But very soon- it going to whistle”. John Finucane Below is the speech delivered by Sinn Fein MP John Finucane at our  Irish Unity debate in Westminster last week. Other speakers were Former […]


The trajectory is a United Ireland

“The trajectory is a United Ireland”, Lord Alderdice told our Westminster debate on ‘The Union and Irish Unity’ last week. He explained that the English were emotionally detached from Northern Ireland and talked about how the DUP had damaged the Union. John Alderdice, was leader of the Pro-Union Alliance party from1987 to 1998. But now […]