
Working towards Irish Unity



Border Poll Conversation with Peadar Tóibín

Welcome to’s second ‘Border Poll Conversations’ video podcast, a new regular feature. We chat to people with interesting things to say about constitutional change, border polls, the future of the Union and a United Ireland.

Following the two recent referendum results in the 26 Counties, opinion polls show a rise in support for Aontú. We talked to Tóibín about Irish Unity, elections and much more.

He answers:

  • would his party support a Sinn Fein coalition government?

He explains why he:

  • is against a Citizens Assembly on Irish Unity.
  • wants increased powers to Stormont as a means to achieving “incremental Unity”.
  • is for Regional Assemblies and keeping Stormont in a United Ireland.
  • believes FG + FG are not United Irelanders because they don’t organise in the North.
  • says censorship used to be a tool of the Right but now the Left closes down speech.
  • thinks SF is becoming a Catch-All Party that follows, not leads public opinion.

We ask him where his party stands today on Same Sex Marriage, Trans, Abortion, Catholic schools in the South and Integrated Education in the North, The Hate Bill and Immigration. He also claims that the results of the two recent referendums are a “watershed moment in Irish history”. Whether you love him, loathe him or are simply curious about him, this is an interview not to be missed.