
Working towards Irish Unity

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David Adams is a good guy. But his criticism of United Irelanders on Reconciliation is misplaced

Last week former loyalist David Adams spoke at the Ireland’s Future conference in Belfast. He deserves praise for doing so as do the organisers for inviting him. From the platform he was forthright in criticising United Irelanders for (in his view) ignoring and dismissing talk of reconciliation as a plot by unionism to make it […]

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The rise of the Reform party is bad for Ireland and for Britain

At a U.K. level the Conservatives own Brexit and its downsides, just as the DUP own Brexit more than any other party in Northern Ireland. They campaigned for it and signed up to a confidence and supply agreement with the Conservatives where they could influence the type of Brexit which was delivered. By voting against […]

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Sinn Féin, where now for the Party?

The Local and European elections in the Republic have proved an unwelcome shock for Sinn Féin. The outcome was not expected. Although the party’s high position in opinion polls was slipping, it could never have expected such a shattering result.  It achieved only just under 12% of the popular vote in the Local contests. Not […]

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Border Poll Conversation with Rev Karen Sethuraman

Welcome to’s third ‘Border Poll Conversations’ video podcast. We chat to interesting people with interesting things to say about constitutional change, border polls, the future of the Union and a United Ireland. On June 15th thousands will fill the SSE Arena in Belfast for the latest ‘Ireland’s Future – Pathway To Change’ conference. It […]

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What an Irish Government should seek from a new British Government on day one

When Simon Harris became Taoiseach on 9 April 2024 he promised new ideas and new energy. While he is Ireland’s youngest ever Taoiseach, he comes to the role with significant experience, as he has been a government minister since 2014. Shortly before his election he stated in a TV interview that a “United Ireland is […]

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The Tory Party are emotionally detached from Northern Ireland

When the UK Conservatives lose the Westminster election in late 2024 or early 2025, they are likely to be heavily defeated and this will lead to a significant change in their approach to many policies. We have already seen the reaction of some since the May 2024 local elections calling for the party to adopt […]

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Immigration and border tensions make Unity more urgent than ever

The May 2024 local election results in England have confirmed what the opinion polls have suggested for the past year. The Conservatives are destined to lose the next UK General Election. But their actions for the remainder of their time in government can still have an impact on both Britain and Ireland. We saw in […]

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Irish government have lost all authority on refugee crisis

It takes something major to change the atmosphere in a country, once famous for its céad míle fáilte hospitality to one where there is widespread hostility to the arrival of some migrants. This has happened in Ireland where nobody doubts but that immigration is now in the words of former Taoiseach Leo Varadkar “a top-tier” […]

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Decolonisation and unification

Every day the horror of the relentless onslaught waged on Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank are on our screens. What we are witnessing is colonialism in action, and in real time. It is both barbaric and ugly. Genocide, apartheid, ethnic cleansing and theft are central motifs of colonialism. Only now do we get […]


Labour’s role in preparing for unity

The British Labour party are now consistently performing considerably higher in the opinion polls than the Conservatives. According to one recent poll Labour are predicted to win over 400 seats which would be a landslide victory on a similar scale to that enjoyed by Tony Blair in 1997. It is clear that Labour will have […]