
Working towards Irish Unity

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Hilary Benn – a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Brian Críostoir is a teacher, trade unionist and activist based in Newcastle. Originally from Derry, he regularly writes on Irish politics from a emigrant perspective.   On Monday,

The language of Partitionism is fading

Partition became a reality embraced on both sides of the border by a counter-revolutionary dispensation that set out to normalise the British imposed settlement. Reflecting

Rebel Songs in a United Ireland

As conversations in Ireland progress on how and if a united Ireland is achievable, our leaders need to ensure that their positions on unification are

Cultural accommodation in the here and now

Seán Mac Cárthaigh was one of a number of people who wrote a paper on cultural accommodation presented at Féile an Phobail Belfast in August.

Quite a week for United Irelanders

Quite a week for United Irelanders Leo. Colum. Wallace. Duncan. Members of Ireland’s latest boy band? Not quite, but this quartet have been singing mellifluously

Lights out for ‘our wee country’

Journalist Sam McBride penned an article in which he stated that the north of Ireland is just over a month away from a ‘blackout crisis’.

Unionism and Unification

In November 2022 Ireland’s Future, a non-party political group supporting Irish reunification, hosted an event in the Ulster Hall. What was remarkable about this event

Rishi Sunak speaking to Leo Varadkar on the phone.

At The Crossroads

This writer read with some interest an article that asked, Is Britain really as poor as Mississippi? Pro-union advocates often cite the ‘UK’ as the

10 Steps To Unity

London and Belfast are fraught with uncertainty at the moment. Twas ever thus. But in Dublin even the most stubborn in the political class are