
Working towards Irish Unity

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The Irish Diaspora in Canada and Mark Carney

Mark Carney will soon be Prime Minister of Canada. Ray Bassett recounts how Carney and Irish diaspora Canadian politicians helped Ireland out big time during the Financial Crisis.

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All Opinion

Irish Unity: Change is Coming

“I believe that the constitutional conversation in Ireland is like a Kettle on a gas hob – it’s just beginning to bubble – But very

The trajectory is a United Ireland

“The trajectory is a United Ireland”, Lord Alderdice told our Westminster debate on ‘The Union and Irish Unity’ last week. He explained that the English

How daft is the DUP?

It’s a rhetorical question, of course. The answer is ‘pretty daft.’ After being buttered-up by British ministers on innumerable occasions since Brexit – only to

So, what does 2024 look like?

Political prediction-peddling is a mug’s game. But let me nevertheless lurch forwards into the realm of pointless speculation, poring over the coffee grinds in my