
Working towards Irish Unity

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The Irish Diaspora in Canada and Mark Carney

Mark Carney will soon be Prime Minister of Canada. Ray Bassett recounts how Carney and Irish diaspora Canadian politicians helped Ireland out big time during the Financial Crisis.

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We are eager to engage with supporters and opponents of a border poll and promote debate with those who are undecided. If you would like to write for us, notify us about an event or like more information please email [email protected]

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Is Simon Harris a united Irelander?

Reviewing the most recent opinion polls it is apparent that Simon Harris does not need outside advice on how to do his job as Taoiseach.

The Perks of Irish Unity

When Michael Collins, and I quote; ‘signed my own death warrant’ in the form of the Anglo-Irish Treaty on the 6th of December 1921, Irish

Head or Heart in a border poll?

This is the speech given by Kevin Meagher in the ‘Will we vote with the heart or head in a border poll?’ debate at the