
Working towards Irish Unity

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10 Steps To Unity

London and Belfast are fraught with uncertainty at the moment. Twas ever thus. But in Dublin even the most stubborn in the political class are

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The People’s’ Priest

You don’t have to look to South or Central America for liberation theology in action. We witnessed it in Ballymurphy.

Could the farmers swing a border poll?

The political choices we make are invariably a mixture of the emotional and rational. A combination of identity and utility. Principle and pragmatism.

Henry Joy McCracken

A Belfast Statue to Henry Joy

As interest grows in one of Belfast’s most famous sons it’s time for a statue of Henry Joy in the heart of Belfast argues Sean Napier.

The Tricolour and Irish Unity

Author Ben Collins responds to criticism of the Tricolour this week and argues for eyes kept firmly on the prize of Irish Unity and its benefits.