
Working towards Irish Unity


Northern Ireland: The Union or a United Ireland?

On 16th June hosted a debate between Ben Habib and Kevin Meagher on the topic ‘Northern Ireland: The Union or a United Ireland?‘. Watch a video of the discussion below…


Northern Ireland: The Union or a United Ireland?

What are the most persuasive arguments for the Union or Irish unity? To what extent do Brexit or the Protocol shape people’s views on the constitutional question? Are shifting demographics and Sinn Fein topping the Assembly election poll something unionists should be worried about? Could there be a United Ireland in a decade? Or are United […]


It’s anti-democratic to not clarify criteria for a Border Poll

A difficulty of the Good Friday Agreement is the lack of clarity around the precise criteria required to trigger a border poll. Is it election results to Westminster? The Stormont Assembly? Or council elections? Or something else entirely? That the decision lies with a British government led by an untrustworthy Prime Minister Boris Johnson is […]


United Irelanders or Unionists – who’s living in Never-never land?

On 18th January, hosted an online debate about who has the best handle on the Unity question. Our guest speakers were Ruth Dudley Edwards, Kevin Meagher and Professor Jon Tonge. Watch the discussion below…


Register now for this irishborderpoll debate

“Do pro-United Irelanders live in Never-never land? Or is Irish Unification inevitable?” In December 2021 journalist and commentator Ruth Dudley Edwards wrote in the Belfast Newsletter that the United Ireland dream is over and that Pro Unity supporters live in never-never land. In January 2022 author and commentator Kevin Meagher releases a fully updated copy […]


The Irish border question: can the Union survive?

Watch this debate which was hosted by at the Battle of Ideas festival in London on Sunday 10th October. Speakers Mick Fealty, founding editor, Slugger O’Toole Andrée Murphy, columnist; Belfast Media Group and Belfast Telegraph; board member, Ireland’s Future Peter Ramsay, professor of law, London School of Economics and Political Science; author, The Insecurity […]


Answering the British Question with a United Ireland

Peter Ramsay is Professor of Law at The London School of Economics and a founding member of The Full Brexit. He was one of four panelist’s speaking at debate, The Irish Border Question: Can The Union Survive?  It took place on Sunday October 10th as part of the Battle of Ideas festival in London. […]

News News Opinion - 1 Slot

Debating irish unity and the state of the union

As in association with the Academy of Ideas prepares to debate the Irish border and state of the union at the Battle of Ideas festival on Sunday 10th October, we thought this an opportune moment to introduce you to our previous debate for those who have not yet seen it. This featured unionist Peter […]


Northern Ireland at 100: the end is in sight

3 May is not just the centenary of Northern Ireland; it is also the centenary of the United Kingdom in its current form. Prime minister Boris Johnson is keen to assure today’s Unionists that he will be celebrating the centenary, but whether they will join him is up for debate. A poll for BBC Northern […]


Why Brexiters should support Irish unification

Originally published on spiked. Britain’s union with Northern Ireland limits the sovereignty of Brits and Irish alike. Brexit represents a seismic moment in modern British history. Withdrawing from the EU has put democracy and popular sovereignty front and centre of British politics. Brexit presents the British people with an opportunity to make their state more accountable […]