
Working towards Irish Unity


Northern Ireland: The Union or a United Ireland?

What are the most persuasive arguments for the Union or Irish unity? To what extent do Brexit or the Protocol shape people’s views on the constitutional question? Are shifting demographics and Sinn Fein topping the Assembly election poll something unionists should be worried about? Could there be a United Ireland in a decade? Or are United Irelanders engaged in too much wishful thinking? Pro-unionist parties won more votes and seats than nationalist parties and most opinion polls indicate the Union is relatively secure for now. Join us as we bring together unionist Ben Habib and United Irelander Kevin Meagher to make the case for the Union and Irish unity.

Ben Habib is a London based CEO of a property company and former Brexit Party MEP. He regularly travels to the north of Ireland to speak in defence of the union at anti-Protocol rallies. He is unafraid to put his money where his mouth is and is currently taking a case against the Protocol to judicial review. This will be heard at the Supreme Court in November. Like many unionists he contends the Protocol  fundamentally undermines the Union. Ben is a regular guest on GB News and other media outlets.

Kevin Meagher is author of several books including A United Ireland – Why Unification is Inevitable And How It Will Come About. He is a regular contributor to where he makes the case for Irish reunification and an end to the Union. He is associate editor of the political blog Labour Uncut and a former special advisor to Shaun Woodward, the most recent Labour Northern Ireland Secretary. Kevin regularly appears on a wide range of media outlets and lives in Sheffield. 

Join us for this online zoom debate at 7pm on Thursday June 16th.

We encourage our audience to ask questions and make comments during the online discussion.

Update: This event has now taken place but you can watch a recording of the discussion here.