
Working towards Irish Unity


‘Centenary broccoli’ is in bad taste

Broccoli? A doorstop? Is it a space invader to celebrate Northern Ireland’s burgeoning video gaming industry? It appears this dreadful image is in fact supposed to be a statue to commemorate Northern Ireland’s centenary. You may recall its brief appearance last year, when Sinn Fein vetoed its proposed erection in the grounds of Parliament Buildings. […]


DUP should heed Westminster’s warnings

‘They [unionists] either have to get off the ice and get on with the job or the ice is going to crack beneath their feet and they are going to find themselves in pretty cold and chilly water.’ A pretty blunt warning this week to the DUP and unionist refuseniks, who, after facing humiliation in […]


Protocol defeat is worst setback for Unionism in 40 years

Third time’s a charm? Not if you’re trying to have the Northern Ireland Protocol struck down in the British courts. Having already lost their case in the High Court and Court of Appeal, we can be permitted a measure of schadenfreude at the host of unionist luminaries who rolled the dice a third time only […]


Predictions for 2023: The Protocol stays, Biden comes, and Donaldson goes

Political soothsaying is a notoriously inaccurate pursuit, yet the temptation to engage in a spot of festive prediction-making is just too enticing, I’m afraid. Here, then, in a spirit of wild-eyed optimism, and reckless fortune-telling I offer the following… So, 2023 is the unwanted year, sitting, as it does, just outside of the commemorations from […]


We don’t need to keep Stormont in a united Ireland

How do you solve a problem like Stormont? I’m not referring to the current impasse that has mothballed Parliament Buildings since last February. That will resolve itself when the British government cuts a deal with the EU over the Protocol and bounces the DUP back into the executive in coming weeks. No, I am talking […]


I will ‘happily accept’ a proposition I don’t support (and would like to vote on it too)

Okay, so riddle me this. Last Sunday’ poll in the Irish Times says 50% of people in Northern Ireland want to stay in the UK, with just 27% backing Irish unity. Pretty dramatic stuff, but not all as it seems, (as I mentioned in my piece yesterday). Further findings from the poll are revealed today, […]


Enough voodoo polling! Time we had proper evidence about Irish unity

Well then, that’s it I suppose. Irish unity is a pipedream; no closer now than ever. Let’s pack up the tent and all go home. Yesterday’s poll in the Irish Times, commissioned by the ARINS project and carried out by Ipsos is pretty conclusive. Half of people in Northern Ireland want to remain in the […]


Real votes from actual elections show growing demand for Irish unity

Nearly a quarter of a century on, we are all pretty familiar with the term in the Good Friday Agreement. There can only be a border poll on Irish unity if it appears ‘likely’ to the Secretary of State that ‘a majority of those voting would express a wish that Northern Ireland should cease to […]


43% ‘would vote for a united Ireland tomorrow’

As any book lover knows all too well, it always pays to read to the end. There’s some fascinating stat-nuggets in the recent University of Liverpool/Irish News polling, which showed Sinn Fein extending its lead to 10% over the DUP if fresh assembly elections were held tomorrow. The main thing that caught my eye, however, […]


A Union of consent, or coercion?

Willing to survive the sweltering heat of central London, ensconced in one of the air-conditioned committee rooms in Portcullis House, I was thwarted only by the possibility of melting railway lines from attending this week’s discussion in the Palace of Westminster. If I had been able to attend and participate, as billed, alongside Sinn Fein’s […]