
Working towards Irish Unity

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The Irish Diaspora in Canada and Mark Carney

Mark Carney will soon be Prime Minister of Canada. Ray Bassett recounts how Carney and Irish diaspora Canadian politicians helped Ireland out big time during the Financial Crisis.

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We are eager to engage with supporters and opponents of a border poll and promote debate with those who are undecided. If you would like to write for us, notify us about an event or like more information please email [email protected]

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The Tricolour and Irish Unity

Author Ben Collins responds to criticism of the Tricolour this week and argues for eyes kept firmly on the prize of Irish Unity and its benefits.

Colin Harvey, Professor in the School of Law, Queen’s University Belfast

A Thought for the New Year

The referendums at the heart of this island-wide reconciliation project cannot be sidestepped forever.

Colin Harvey, Professor in the School of Law, Queen’s University Belfast

Where now for constitutional change in Ireland?

As attention turns to government formation – and the new Programme for Government in Ireland –
these brief reflections are an attempt to address the question in the title: Where now?

Forget 2024 Election. Focus on 2029

Gloating from obvious quarters about the Irish election result and the relatively poor performance from Sinn Féin. Seems little point dressing it up.

McGuigan for President

Now that the Dáil election is over, it is a good time to look ahead to a possible scenario for the next Irish Presidential election, due to take place in late 2025.

The Election: 5 takeaways

Kevin Meagher reflects on that election and is already thinking about the next one!

Kevin Bean – a tribute

A socialist and Irish republican but never an ideologue, inspired to political thought and action by the noble struggles of the democrats and revolutionaries.