The Inch-by-inch approach towards a United Ireland
Carl Duffy argues the most successful route to Irish Unity is minimising the differences between the two jurisdictions in Ireland but by bit, inch by inch.
Carl Duffy argues the most successful route to Irish Unity is minimising the differences between the two jurisdictions in Ireland but by bit, inch by inch.
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irishborderpoll.com hosted this online discussion on 5th December Is it time to ditch the misnomer ‘PUL Community’ when, since Brexit, increasing numbers of Protestants publicly
Not long ago I was lucky enough to be among ten political party leaders and thousands of people gathered in Dublin’s 3 Arena to discuss
Guest contributor Ben Collins discusses the theme of his forthcoming book, Irish Unity: Time To Prepare. The results of the Northern Ireland census 2021 are seismic
My wife, a CEO of a London based media charity, has two party piece songs inherited from her father, a Dublin man who emigrated to
Nearly a quarter of a century on, we are all pretty familiar with the term in the Good Friday Agreement. There can only be a
As any book lover knows all too well, it always pays to read to the end. There’s some fascinating stat-nuggets in the recent University of
Irishborderpoll.com is delighted to present this anonymous opinion piece by a young writer. ‘Ulster’s British!’ The stereotypical outcry of the loyalists who I grew up
Willing to survive the sweltering heat of central London, ensconced in one of the air-conditioned committee rooms in Portcullis House, I was thwarted only by
Join us on 18th July for this important Irish Border Poll debate. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced plans for a referendum on Scottish Independence on
On 16th June irishborderpoll.com hosted a debate between Ben Habib and Kevin Meagher on the topic ‘Northern Ireland: The Union or a United Ireland?‘. Watch
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