
Working towards Irish Unity

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Double Standards at work here

The media in the Irish Republic have been strangely convulsed lately by the events around the resignation of a Sinn Féin backbench T.D., Brian Stanley. The national broadcaster, RTE,has majored heavily on

Want to write for us?

We are eager to engage with supporters and opponents of a border poll and promote debate with those who are undecided. If you would like to write for us, notify us about an event or like more information please email [email protected]

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Get Involved In The Irish Unity Campaign

Martin Luther King declared that the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. At the centenary of partition his words

Debate video “Northern Ireland at 100”

This is a recording of the Zoom-hosted debate “Northern Ireland at 100: Is Unionism emotionally ready for conversation about a united Ireland?”. Enjoy!

Towards a New Ireland

In case you missed it last week this is the paper delivered by Neale Richmond TD on planning and preparing for a border poll and

Imagining education in the new Ireland

Irishborderpoll today launches a new series of articles on ‘Imagining the new Ireland’. We hope to feature a diverse range of people from all walks

Is the tide turning on Irish reunification?

Originally published by The Independent. While most believe it’s not the right time to revisit the issue of Irish unity, Ian Johnston explains how civic groups are