
Working towards Irish Unity

News Opinion - 1 Slot Opinion

10 Steps To Unity

London and Belfast are fraught with uncertainty at the moment. Twas ever thus. But in Dublin even the most stubborn in the political class are beginning to take seriously the need to plan for unity in the not-too-distant future. Here, Brian Críostoir, argues for what a responsible but radical, non-sectarian approach could look like — […]


Raised on Songs and Stories

By Brian Crìostoir & Meabh MacDaibhéid Outrage season is back. Anois, ar theacht an tSamhraidh. On Sunday, the Wolfe Tones played Féile an Phobail, the West Belfast Festival, which is celebrating its 35th year. The Féile is a triumph of a thriving civic spirit and an event that fosters cultural expression, debate and cross-community engagement. […]


The Twelfth must not be given legitimacy in a United Ireland

The 12th of July is not a unifying holiday.  The year is 2030 and you’re searching for the best cultural holiday spots the world over.  First appears France. On July 14th, the frogs celebrate Bastille Day. This commemoration marks the storming of the Bastille prison in 1789 by the Sans Culottes during the French Revolution. The […]


Hate Speech Legislation and the Good Friday Agreement

A guest post by Ray Bassett. The Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred or Hate Offences) Bill 2022, which is currently before the Irish Senate, is expected to become the law of the land in September. It is a poor piece of legislation, which infringes civil and human rights, while masquerading as a progressive […]


Censored Speech or Free Speech?

A post by guest author Michael Hallihane. ‘Big Brother is watching’ is a well-worn cliché but it was also my first thought when reading the Republic’s new ‘Hate Speech Bill’. The Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022, to give it its full name, has attracted significant media attention and […]


Taking Control – Sovereignty and Democracy after Brexit

A book review by guest author Ray Bassett. This is a thought-provoking publication and an interesting contribution to political debate in post Brexit Britain.  The four authors are all left-wing supporters of Brexit, and their central theme is that leaving the European Union was only a first, if necessary, step towards the rebuilding of a […]


If a Border Poll is to be won then the current Sinn Fein strategy will need to be radically re-calibrated

A guest post by writer and political strategist Jon Egan. This may seem like a strange time to offer a note of scepticism for the prospects of a United Ireland, and an especially untimely moment to question the role of Sinn Fein as a party capable of delivering the ultimate goal of the Republican struggle. […]

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Making Sense of a United Ireland

Watch this online discussion with Professor Brendan O’Leary, author of ‘Making Sense of a United Ireland’, which took place on Monday June 12th. Pro-Irish Unity parties won more votes than Unionism in the last election but how close are we to a border poll and United Ireland? Professor Brendan O’Leary, author of ‘Making Sense […]


Change is coming. Prepare for it.

A guest post by author Ben Collins. It is often said that two things in life are inevitable, death and taxes. I would like to add a third, embarking on constitutional change without planning beforehand leads to disaster. There is significant political change happening in Northern Ireland and we want to avoid the chaos of […]


Ceasefire babies have nothing to be ashamed of

A guest post by journalist and blogger Theo Macdonald. The term ceasefire babies describes those of us who have grown up in an era when the threat of regular bombings, shootings and other displays of violence is no longer the norm on the Island we call home. The relative stability bestowed on the younger generation […]