10 Steps To Unity
London and Belfast are fraught with uncertainty at the moment. Twas ever thus. But in Dublin even the most stubborn in the political class are
London and Belfast are fraught with uncertainty at the moment. Twas ever thus. But in Dublin even the most stubborn in the political class are
Now that the Dáil election is over, it is a good time to look ahead to a possible scenario for the next Irish Presidential election, due to take place in late 2025.
Kevin Meagher reflects on that election and is already thinking about the next one!
A socialist and Irish republican but never an ideologue, inspired to political thought and action by the noble struggles of the democrats and revolutionaries.
In Britain, there never seems to be a ‘good time’ to talk about Irish unity. Yet for some within Britain’s Irish community, the time is now.
The President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins, dissolved the Dáil, on 8th November and a general election will take place in
If you were promised a fundamental choice about your future, you’d like to think you
In this guest post, Dr Paul Breen reflects on the question of Remembrance and the
Not infrequently, people in Britain have asked why the red poppy which commemorates British military
By Ben Collins, author of Irish Unity:Time To Prepare First of all I don’t think
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