
Working towards Irish Unity


Why British Brexiters Should Back Ireland’s Unification welcomes every opportunity to widen the debate on Irish unity. Hence our thanks to Brexit supporters Peter Ramsay and Pauline Hadaway, British academics based in London and Liverpool respectively who argue the case for Irish unity. They contend that Irish reunification is the precondition for real democracy in Britain. By Peter Ramsay and Pauline Hadaway […]


Get Involved In The Irish Unity Campaign

Martin Luther King declared that the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. At the centenary of partition his words are apposite. One hundred years of misery, injustice and dysfunctionality are of course nothing to celebrate. But on this centenary there has never been a more exciting time to be […]


Anti-Democracy and a Border Poll

Imagine people in Britain were informed Brexit would not happen because only 52 percent had voted for it and that such a divisive issue now required a supermajority of 60 percent before it passed?  Or how about divorce in the south of Ireland which was won by less than 1 percent of the vote, 50.28% […]


Debate video “Northern Ireland at 100”

This is a recording of the Zoom-hosted debate “Northern Ireland at 100: Is Unionism emotionally ready for conversation about a united Ireland?”. Enjoy!


Towards a New Ireland

In case you missed it last week this is the paper delivered by Neale Richmond TD on planning and preparing for a border poll and a United Ireland. A must read. Twenty-three years after the signing of the Good Friday Agreement, conversations regarding the future of Northern Ireland’s status have once again come to the […]


Northern Ireland at 100: Is Unionism emotionally ready for conversation about a united Ireland?

Monday 3rd May: register for this IrishBorderPoll debate When asked what he wanted for unionism David Trimble once answered: “To be left alone.” Writing in the Irish Times this month Peter Cardwell bemoaned that unionism feels anything but left alone by constant prodding and talk of a united Ireland. Since Brexit, the Irish unity debate […]


Creating Northern Ireland: Remembering the Belfast Pogrom

The centenary of Northern Ireland is upon us. The British PM and NI First Minister told us they intend to celebrate. Yet the scale of horror unleashed upon Northern Catholics by Unionism with British supplied guns in forging the statelet should be a source of shame for those involved. Instead, the scale of atrocities that […]


Imagining a New Ireland

By Clíodhna NicBhranair I have had many conversations over the years about the notion of Irish unity – with varying outcomes, I must admit! There are those who totally oppose the idea, who are unionist to the core, who view themselves as British. There are those who claim to be ambivalent, who say that it’s […]


The Union with Northern Ireland: A Dead End for Brexit believes in the free and open exchange of ideas as a prerequisite for a successful Unity project. In coming months we will feature contributors not everyone will always agree with. For us that’s a good thing – it’s called debate. Today Brexit supporter Peter Ramsay of ‘The Full Brexit’ argues the Protocol has to […]


A Referendum on Irish Unity – An Economic Imperative

Gerry Carlile, CEO of Ireland’s Future, makes a persuasive case for Irish unity on economic grounds. This article first appeared on At a time when almost every part of our economy and society is trying to come to terms with the Covid-19 pandemic, the limitations of a partitioned island are being laid bare. Partition […]