
Working towards Irish Unity



Register now for this irishborderpoll debate

“Do pro-United Irelanders live in Never-never land? Or is Irish Unification inevitable?”

In December 2021 journalist and commentator Ruth Dudley Edwards wrote in the Belfast Newsletter that the United Ireland dream is over and that Pro Unity supporters live in never-never land.

In January 2022 author and commentator Kevin Meagher releases a fully updated copy of his book, ‘A United Ireland: Why Unification is Inevitable and How it will come about’.

So who should we believe? They can’t both be right. We bring them together to debate who is right and wrong on the Unity question.

Joining them on the panel is Professor Jon Tonge of Liverpool University. He is Director of the last four ERSC N. Ireland General Election Surveys. So who could be more qualified to unpick the conflicting poll results on unity and tell us what’s going on and which way the wind is really blowing?

7pm, Tuesday 18th January. Register now for this online debate on Eventbrite.